Thursday, September 2, 2010

Inspect and clean out air conditioner sea strainer. Aft strainer basket needs replacement. The handle is broken and the perforated metal is beginning to rust away.Removed oil contaminated absorbers and added biodegradable bilge cleaner. This is an enzyme that will break down Hydrocarbons and make the bilge easier to clean. It works over time and uses the boats motion to help clean the bilge.

Mrs G. Divers came and inspected the bottom to gauge growth. Bottom is still clean with the exception of nominal growth on the shaft and propellers which was removed. Their recommendation, after the inspection was made, is to schedule cleaning every 30 days.

Tested bilge pump in starboard VIP bilge. Float switch is working and pump runs but very little water was being moved. Considering the amount of debris in the bilge there is a possibility that the overboard discharge line is clogged. Large debris should be removed and a new pump installed. The old pump should be inspected for faults. If no fault is found this pump can be saved for utility purposes.

Once the new pump is installed, any further failure would indicate a clog in the discharge line.

Bilge cleaner was added and immediate area was given a wipe.

Boat was washed down.

Fwd sump pump is full of water. There is no power leading to the pump. Wire was traced to generator room. It was wired to an electrical box that powers the 12 volt lighting in the gen. room. The wiring is make shift. The box is too small and connection used are not proper. Wiring is exposed in areas and pulling out in others. Defect will be logged. Power source needs to traced.

Generator/aft sea strainer located in closet out side of VIP guest suite.

Hoses and clamps are failing and need to be changed

Inside of site glass needs cleaning

Inspected and cleaned generator sea strainer. Inboard strainer basket has completely failed and needs immediate replacement. Hoses are also in very poor condition and need replacing. Both sea strainers need to be removed and thoroughly cleaned. Top seals need changing

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